Hi my name is Tony Mitchell and I’m a former public school teacher and currently work with Empath Entrepreneurs.  I’m an Empath, but I didn’t always know it.  During the years of not knowing I was highly sensitive to energy or what to do to manage the overload of information I was taking in every second, the lack of knowledge was the cause for a majority of my anxieties, frustrations, and stints of depression.

In sports and on the basketball court, the ability to sense peoples energy helped me tremendously, I always could FEEL where everybody was on the court, without even looking! This made it easy for me to make great passes and intuitively lead the team as the point guard.

My biggest passions are teaching & coaching.

Looking back it always has been. While playing sports from the ages of 5ish + I would teach the basics to anyone who’d listen. It was my instinct, I couldn’t help myself! I found the more valuable the information and better results it produces for me, the more and more people I would teach the information to. During high school, I used nutrition and exercise to counter a stint of depression and maintain a healthy mindset.  I was consumed with lifting weights and nutrition and would share that information with everyone around me, while having several workout partners I trained.

I was looking for solutions for everyone’s problems around me, running around trying to solve all of them. 

Even though during this time I was going through my own problems that I  was suppressing and did not know how to solve at the moment. Most of my pain and sadness during middle and high school years came from my empathic nature and not understanding how to intelligently guide my emotions and the emotions I was sensing all around me.

That was until 3 major events…

1.) In October 2008 I was in the computer lab at Columbia College in Columbia, MO searching through real estate videos and one video popped up that youtube suggested I watch.  The video was Bob Proctors overview of the secret. I can remember getting to the end of the video and realizing that I would be studying and applying this type of information for the rest of my life. I realized why I was in the position I was in at one of the lowest points in my life.  I attracted it all through my words, actions, and intention! I began studying and applying this information daily and I began to transform from the inside out. This information launched my mindset and life into a more stable and satisfying journey, but I felt I  was still missing something…there was more for me to learn…

2.) On December 6, 2010 I received a phone call from Lindsay Marino that shifted my life all around. The moment we got off the phone I knew I had to be with her. Lets fast forward. Lindsay is now an International Psychic Medium, but back then she was a 3rd grade teacher who gave spot on readings. Lindsay and I knew of each other through my friend Nick who passed away in a motorcycle accident in 2007. Right after Nick passed away Lindsay began receiving signs from him and signs from other peoples passed love ones. Right after I began talking with Lindsay on December 6, 2010 I immediately began receiving signs from him and others from the other side. This has continued to grow stronger each day, month, and year since then. This experience taught me that we are all connected. I could feel Lindsay 1100 miles away over the phone (we’ve never met physically at that point), and I knew I had to be with her. This experience also taught me to follow your instincts, they somehow already know. From this point my mind opened up to a whole new world and awareness.

3.) Teaching in the school systems while living with a psychic medium for 7 years helped me develop my intuition, empathic abilities, and harness my natural instincts into productive changes. I taught in special education and a large group of my students were empaths and highly sensitive to the energy around them.  I was able to use my empathic nature and intuitive ability to sense each student’s energy and speak with the tone of voice and act in a way that impacts each student Thankfully my second year teaching I received “The teacher of The Year.” In a sense, the entire process of teaching felt effortless to me  because of my ability to positively harness my ability to sense other peoples emotions. I felt like I always knew what to do or say to inspire the students to act. This experience confirmed so many positive beliefs in myself and the world.

Living with my wife Lindsay has helped me to understand my empathic nature and ability to use my sixth sense.

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Lindsay has students from all of the world in her intuition courses and mediumship mentorships. Ive been lucky enough to have her coach me 1 on 1 for the last 11 years. I feel like I received a phd in the subjects. Ive gotten great benefit from the experience and learned to really harness my power to connect  and understand myself and people on a deep level.

Over the years I realized that it is specific specialized education combined with a safe space to learn, that helps people make the biggest shifts mentally and physically. It is my passion to help other people go outside of their comfort zones and share their gifts and skills with the world.